

coming up on my blog is a blog cast yup you get to here me ramble on about life, creating book covers, editing and more check it out. don;t forget to get the Graveyard secrets on and give your feedback on the story if you like it or now you can also follow me on wattpad to read the first two series for FREE!  so, go head and read it and buy the other stories. surely you wont want to stop reading.

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The Ripper

my new short story the riper's diary is on pre-order on check it out its mind thrilling, spine chilling and serial killing.

Series #4

Now follow me on Watt-pad @MACromwell. You can now Read the Full Story Of the New Girl on watt-pad for Free!! that is correct your eyes are not deceiving you i said FOR FREE!! also check out my new Story the Killing At The Blue Strip coming our November 4th 2016. also Blood And Betrayal coming out November 16, 2016. This book will keep you reading till the wee hours of the night, that will make you crave for more, you can share around the campfire, creep out some friends in a sleepover, or read to your children as a bedtime story whichever way you read it or perceive it you surely won’t stop reading. Everybody perceives things differently in this book you will see that these characters also perceive things in such a way for instance: “Fame is a deadly obsession.” Bluzelle Is a stripper who love the finer things in life. She wants a rich life she hangs out with the queen bitch of the strip and ends up being played. So, now she is not going to give up the fame, money, and powe

The new girl

check out this book on and my other series is coming out series 3 the card killer. it is fantastic and i hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing the Graveyard Secrets.

The Card Killer Series 3

Check out my new series the Card killer on and keep on the look out for my next months series 4 surely you wont stop reading. also be sure to follow me on Instagram and twitter.